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Buckets and Boards

What will Central kids see in the Merryman next week? ¿Qué verán los niños de Central en el Merryman la próxima semana?

1st through 5th graders will attend Buckets and Boards in the Merryman next Friday.
Buckets ‘n’ Boards is an interactive comedy percussion show with imaginative songs and bucket drumming that will have students laughing and drumming along.
Buckets ‘n’ Boards es un espectáculo de percusión cómico interactivo con canciones imaginativas y tambores con baldes que harán reír y tocar los tambores a los alumnos.
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new books

Kearney Action Network Donates Funds to Refresh the Central Library Collection

New books have arrived! Kearney Action Network and the Kearney Literacy Council, along with matching funds from the Ted Baldwin Fund, added a large number of new non-fiction books and exciting reads that today's kids love. We also replaced some of the old favorites and added books that cater to the diverse interests of all our students. We're so grateful for these organizations' commitment to a fresh and enjoyable library collection for our kids.
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raffle basket

Central Game Night is Canceled; La noche de juegos central se cancela

After realizing there was a conflict with our initial date for Game Night, we are struggling to find another evening for the event. Because of this challenge, we will cancel Game Night but add the themed basket raffle to our Halloween activities on October 31st. We will raffle the baskets off at 2:50 in the MPAC auditorium. Parents are welcome to join us for the raffle drawing. We will send home an additional flyer to order raffle tickets.

Después de darnos cuenta de que había un conflicto con nuestra fecha inicial para la Noche de juegos, estamos luchando por encontrar otra noche para el evento. Debido a este desafío, cancelaremos la Noche de juegos, pero agregaremos la rifa de canastas temáticas a nuestras actividades de Halloween el 31 de octubre. Sortearemos las canastas a las 2:50 en el auditorio de MPAC. Los padres pueden unirse a nosotros para el sorteo. Enviaremos a casa un folleto adicional para solicitar boletos de rifa.
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Central Elementary Fundraiser; Recaudación de fondos para la primaria central

Our annual fundraiser packets will go home with students next Monday. Please return them by October 1st. Funds raised by our annual fundraiser support PE Every Day and Field Trips.

Nuestros paquetes anuales de recaudación de fondos se enviarán a casa con los estudiantes el próximo lunes. Por favor devuélvalos antes del 1 de octubre. Los fondos recaudados por nuestra recaudación de fondos anual apoyan la educación física todos los días y las excursiones.
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